services & Fees

15-minute Complimentary Consultation

All home-visit services require a 15-minute complimentary consultation.

This is a virtual-video consultation to see if you and I will be a good fit for each other. We will discuss what you are seeking treatment for, estimated fees associated with treatment, and general Acupuncture & Eastern medicine information. Specific treatment and recommendations for your health concern will not be addressed in this appointment.

*Specific advice on your individual health concern will be addressed in your 90-minute initial appointment if you become a patient of I Have A Point For That.*

I Have A Point For That is now partnered with Care Credit. Click the banner below to see how you can apply or use your Care Credit account towards your Acupuncture visits!

Our Services

  • Fees:

    Initial Consultation + Acupuncture $195 - 90 minutes

    Follow-up $95 - 60 minutes

    Are you 65+ years of age, a teacher, or first reponder? If so, we offer special rates:

    Initial fee: $175

    Follow-up for 65+: $65/session

    Follow-up for teachers and first responders: $75/session

  • This service will be held at your designated location. A 15-minute consultation is required before your initial visit.

    A quiet space away from distractions is required. All acupuncture equipment will be brought to your appointment including the treatment table.

  • IHAPFT offers combined acuputure and doula packages for expectant and postpartum moms. Please see the ‘Acu-Doula Services’ tab.

  • Reiki and cupping are offered as add-on therapies and individual sessions.

  • Yes, we see kids! The clinic’s aim is to bring the whole family along on your healing journey. Pediatrics is case-by-case. Set up a 15-minute consultation on the booking site to see if we will be a good fit for your child’s needs.

Mobile Acupuncture Sessions

We offer both in-person and mobile appointments. Please see more information regarding the locations under the ‘In-clinic Acupuncture Services’ tab.

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is the insertion of tiny, medical-grade stainless steel, filiform needles into specific Acupuncture points on the body to initiate a cascade of healing over the entire body. Acupuncture helps regulate the nervous system, address stress-induced health issues, reduce stress, reduce pain, and treat many common acute and chronic conditions. All Acupuncture needles used in treatments are one-time-use and are disposed of in medical waste sharps containers after each treatment is complete.

Initial Consultation & ACupuncture - Mobile Visit

Initial Investment: $250

In this 90-minute mobile appointment, we will get to know each other and you will have a chance to discuss your health story. We will go over your health history, lifestyle, diet, supplements, and/or medications you are currently taking, and health goals you would like to achieve. During this session, you will be given a treatment plan designed for your specific health concern as well as an acupuncture treatment.

Follow-up Acupuncture treatment - Mobile Visit

Follow-up Investment: $165

This is a 60-minute mobile Acupuncture session for established patients only. We will have a brief discussion about how things went in your previous Acupuncture session and then start the treatment. If it has been longer than 6 months since your last treatment, please schedule a New Patient appointment.

Cupping & Reiki

  • 30-minute treatment

    Investment: $80

  • Cupping can be added to both Acupuncture and Reiki treatments.

    Investment: $40

  • Investment

    30-minutes (Home Visit): $80

    30-minutes (Distance Healing): $50

    1-Hour (Home Visit): $150

    1-Hour (Distance Healing): $100

Wellness+Herbal Consultation

Not sure where to start? In this 1 - hour virtual consultation you get to pick my brain about your health concern and we can make a strategy to get you on the right path to healing. This appointment includes recommendations on foods, herbs, supplements, and lifestyle changes.

Investment: $100

Herbs and supplements are sold separately.

Acupuncture & TCM Students

This is for the student or future student of Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine needing to chat about the profession, study tips, strategy, getting into school, finishing school successfully, etc.

Investment: $30