Happy 2024 + 2023 Recap!!
Happy New Year and happy new vibes!
Hello Folks!!
I took an extended break from the newsletter towards the end of October. I ended up attending 3 births in a row for my doula clients between October and November, plus I went to homecoming for my alma mater (shoutout to PVAMU!!), a beautiful autumn wedding for one of my close friends, my birthday (I had a client go into labor that day LOL), then Thanksgiving and at that point I was like let me just start fresh after the holidays! Some of these activities happened in one week! Whew! I am still on a learning curve with sending out newsletters and blogging so I really appreciate your presence here!
2023 came in kind of rough and tough. It was challenging, but I am grateful for the lessons it taught me because I have more information on how to navigate 2024.
So what did 2023 bring I Have A Point For That? Expansion.
December 21, 2022 (Winter Solstice) - setting up my vision board for 2023
January - business as usual and wedding planning ( This kind of takes over at some point. If you’ve ever done it you will understand.)
February - business as usual and seeing things on my vision board start to manifest.
March - I did acupuncture for the yoga participants at Mala Market’s Self-Care Sundays. Then the Doula Expansion Program Throughout Houston (DEPTH) starts up, and I start the application process to become a doula.
April - Spring activities, networking, and waiting to hear back about my application status with DEPTH.
May - My wedding!! Acceptance into DEPTH!
June - The 6-month DEPTH Doula training program starts. I attended Melanated and Mindful which was another Acupuncture + Yoga event in Spring, TX. I was able to share my knowledge of how TCM works and facilitated an acupuncture experience for the yoga attendees.
July - Finished up my requirements to get my doula certification. Went through my recertification requirements for the NCCAOM Board (National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine). This is a process all licensed and board-certified acupuncturists have to go through every 4 years. July marked 4 years since I successfully passed all of my board exams!!
August - Met with my first doula client and attended my first birth with my doula mentor!
September - Met all 3 doula clients I matched with through the DEPTH program.
October - My first doula client goes into labor, and I attend this birth on my own!! It was an amazing experience being able to hold space for this mom. She had a wonderful, smooth, hospital birth as a first-time mom.
November - I got in on an extra birth because one of the doulas in my program needed me to back her up. Then my November client goes into labor on my birthday. These are all 1 week apart including the one in October since that happened at the end of the month. This put me at 1 birth per week at that point LOL!! It was a very exciting month. I also attended a doula networking event.
December - I took some time out to go over where I needed to pivot to move I Have A Point For That forward. My December client had her baby! Full Circle Family Services, a midwifery clinic in Houston, invited me to present on herbs at their monthly Mommy & Me meet-up. Here is the link for the presentation >>> https://www.fullcirclefamilyserviceshtx.com/blog-resources/nourish-your-family-with-herbs
2023 was a FULL year and there were a lot of “wait a minute, hold up” situations but we made it through. I still enjoyed myself and made sure to live in the moment. I hope you all had a wonderful Holy Day season and were able to spend time with the people that matter most to you.
Stay tuned for more newsletters. I am not sure of the frequency going forward but expect at least a monthly update. Y’all be well and stay well! Peace and blessings!!